
The University of Debrecen was one of the professional partners of the two-day AI Transformation Conference organized by Corvinus University of Budapest and the Shenzhen Research Institute of the University of Hong Kong, China, where leading scientists from around the world discussed scientific opportunities offered by artificial intelligence.

The Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen (DE MK) also participated in a prestigious international conference of renowned architects and architecture students in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. During the four-day event, 15 students from DE MK created an installation related to the theme of the event.

Three faculties, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of Humanities, of the University of Debrecen were represented at a conference called CogInfoCom (Cognitive infocommunications) at Chuo University, Japan, which was attended by academics from universities located on several continents. This event primarily focused on the potential of merging human and digital environments, artificial intelligence, info-communication and cognitive skills.