---For tomorrow’s engineers---
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Lehel CSATÓ is a professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania. He had finished his PhD at Aston University (UK) and the focus of his research was the use of probabilistic non-parametric methods for inference using latent variable models. He is interested in mathematical aspects of machine learning, providing approximate solutions for inverse problems, performing sparse inference on large systems with applications to robotics, classification of complex data, and active learning. With the onset of the deep learning models, his interests shifted to a more profound and principled understanding of the working of deep systems; why these systems work, when do they work reliably and when are they likely to fail. His research includes the mathematical understanding of self-explainable deep learning models, studying explainable wavelet-based image classification and segmentation methods, and model simplifications using pruning techniques. Title of the plenary lecture: Teaching the teaching-assistants: human or agent-based |
Marie DEMLOVÁ received her Ph.D. degree in mathematics at the Charles University in Prague, Czechoslovakia. She is a full professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague. She served as a Head of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, from 1994 till 2006, and was a Vice-dean for Education from 2007 till 2013. She was a Chairman of the SEFI Mathematics Working Group from 2003 till 2009, and is a member of the Steering Committee of SEFI MWG since. Her research includes theoretical computer science, semigroup theory, automata theory, and mathematics education. Title of the plenary lecture: Do we need to assess Mathematics, why and how? |
Imre HORVÁTH is a professor emeritus of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He is an internationally recognized expert in engineering design research and is known for his pioneering work concerning the evolution of the paradigm of intellectualized cyber-physical-social-human systems. He has been the author of more than 550 publications and was cited more than 5000 times. He has been the lead editor of several international journals. He was the initiator and organizer of the series of international Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering symposia. His current research interests are in transdisciplinary systems research methodologies, synthetic systems knowledge, intellectualized cyber-physical-social-human systems, and self-managed autonomous learning approaches. Title of the plenary lecture: We pretend to have some solutions … but do we understand the problematics as a whole? |
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Péter KÖRTESI started working at the University of Miskolc in 1988, where he worked until his retirement. Initially, he was secretary of the Borsod Section of the Bolyai János Mathematical Society, since 1990, currently is the president of it. He obtained his university doctorate and PhD degree at the University of Debrecen, and in addition to his teaching duties, he organized projects and several conferences in several scientific fields, among which the Congress of Young Mathematicians in 1996, as an official side event of the Second European Congress of Mathematician. Since 2004 he is organizing biennial conferences entitled History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics together with several national and international universities, they have enriched the deservedly world-famous Mathematical MacTutor History of Mathematics web archive. In 2001 he launched and still coordinate the international CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) entitled Active Methods in Mathematics Teaching and Learning. This work has been recognised twice by the CEEPUS Committee of Ministers with ministerial awards, in 2006 and 2013. The Minister of Human Capacities awarded him the Albert Szent-Györgyi Prize in 2015. His work has been recognized by international partners, such as the Rector of the University of Rousse with the Medal for International Cooperation and the Senate of Petru Maior University in Târgu Mureş with the title of Professor Honoris Causa in 2015. Title of the plenary lecture: GeoGebra in Visualizing some Chapters of Mathematics |